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Meet our patients and their stories.

By the agency of my friends I learned that in Krakow I can find excellent dental services. This is how I came to Luxdentica and I was not disappointed. The flight from Stockholm to Krakow lasts only 2 hours and a high level of service does not diverge from the one of the best clinic in Sweden. I am very satisfied with their dental service and I will definitely recommend them to my friends.

Brita Eriksson from Halmstad

With the naked eye you can see that Poland has changed. Services, public transport, roads, everything is on the European level. Also dental treatment. My friend persuaded me to come to Krakow, who comes from Poland but he lives in France. He underwent treatment at Luxdentica. I am glad that I came here. I am very pleased with the results of my dental treatment. Moreover, I visited Krakow, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.

Michael Pourbaix from Vichy

I know that in Poland it is rumoured that we are a thrifty nation. Indeed, the treatment here is much cheaper than in my country. However, this is not the only reason I have decided to start the treatment at Luxdentica. I was captivated by its atmosphere. The entire staff is always very kind and helpful for the patients. The doctors clearly discuss the course of the treatment. No stress, let alone financial stress.

Martin Boyle from Edynburgh

In recent years, the health service in the UK is going through a crisis. You have to wait for the treatment and the costs are almost twice higher than in Poland. Therefore I have decided to come to Poland and I do not regret it. Standards, employees and equipment are even better than in England, and the prices for the service are considerably lower”.

John Fosher from Manchester

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+48 668 058 242

Lubostroń 22G/7
30-383 Kraków






„100% success”


Starting implant treatment with us, you are always under „100% success” guarantee – it means that we take full responsibility for the implant process.

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